Why I want to go back to quarantine…

3 reasons I miss it

So-Young Kang
4 min readFeb 21, 2021

Let me start by saying I’m not an introvert who likes to be alone. In fact, according to MBTI and for anyone that knows me, I’m an extreme extrovert. The bigger the crowd, the more energized I get. Just check out my social media @soykang on most platforms. I’m not a shy, private person who likes being alone.

I am a keen student of what makes us human from why we are the way we are to how we were created to how we engage with others. I often use myself as the subject of my research to better understand the world around me. So here is my subjective self-analysis on why I find myself missing the #quarantinelife.

  1. Tyranny of choice. In quarantine (aka ‘high-end jail’), there are very few choices to make. Wake up, eat, bathe, sleep, maybe work, maybe exercise. Repeat. I didn’t have to think about what to eat as food was delivered 3 times a day through a doorbell where it was left outside for me to get. I didn’t have to think about what to wear. I didn’t have to prioritize who to meet where and when (maybe a little because I had some zoom calls). My options were so limited that there was a joy in the simplicity of not having to think about basic things. There has been tons of research on why too many options can result in greater stress and anxiety so I won’t share that here but it led me to the question that despite the research and now my personal experience, “Why do we think that more is better?”



So-Young Kang

Entrepreneur who is curious about all things human. Founded Gnowbe and Awaken Group. WEF Young Global Leader. Author of “Inside Out.” Global speaker.